Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Halloween is over and November has just begun. Halloween was pretty crappy day for me. Here is the rundown:
  • Woke up - late
  • Baby woke up with a fever (guess those antibiotics are NOT working AGAIN)
  • Katie woke up mad...cuz it was LATE!
  • Ran around like a crazed maniac in half of my Halloween costume trying to get all the stuff together for school, babysitter, and trick-or-treating.
  • Left half dressed, NO makeup...mad.
  • Katie left her coat, had to stop mid driveway to run back (swearing) to get it.
  • Finally get on the road to school.
  • 8:38am Katie crying because she is late
  • Mommy turns around to yell at her....HITS A GARBAGE CAN (yippee)
  • Katie crying because mom broke her mirror
  • 8:40am arrive at school...jump out to attach wings and horns.
  • JR. crying in the car because I am outside and Katie is crying.
  • Sit back in the car and.....split the BUTT out of my tights (you have got to be kidding me)
  • Rush to the babysitter to find her no where in sight, probably at the school for the parade (hmmm wondered why there were so many cars)
  • Unload the baby with her husband who is going over to the parade.
  • Rush across the street to my mother's to apply makeup
  • Drive like a manic to Harmon's for dry ice (cauldron), crushed ice (office party), new tights, and headache medicine.
  • Mom calls...she is taking sick baby back to the Dr.
  • 12:00 pm Office party....did not win AGAIN!! Why is it that a guy in tights will always trump a cute costume??
  • 12:30 Mom calls...baby had to have two shots of antibiotics
  • 1:30 Babysitter calls...Katie is missing.
  • 1:45...Katie found.
  • 3:00 Office trick-or-treating
  • 4:30 start month-end closing....as everyone else leaves.
  • 6:00...finally done.
  • Pick up sick baby
  • Home to ignore the door for hours

Why did I get out of bed? Will post pictures later

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